The horse-breeding ranch Hjardartun is situated east of the river Eystri-Ranga, approximately 2km north of Hvolsvöllur

The facilities were ready in 2007 and is as good as can be. Stables for 36 horses, 32 single occupants and 2 double, 20 x 40 m indoor riding hall with plenty of indoor space for machinery. The cafeteria in the center is the heart of the house with good view into the riding hall. Outside, there is an ovaltrack and good facilities for the horses. In the neighborhood we have great riding paths – around the field, along the Eystri-Rangá river, around the Hvolfjall mountain or up Krappinn.
Nánar um okkurHjardartuns Champions League Team
For the first time, Hjarðartún has a team in the Champions league 2020. This event has been the strongest sport competition since 2007 and is extremely popular in Iceland as well as abroad. Captain of our team is Helga Una Björnsdottir and the other members are: Elvar Thormarsson, Hans Thor Hilmarsson, Jakob Svavar Sigurdsson and Thorarinn Ragnarsson.
Skoða liðið

Horses of Hjardartun
Our ambition is to breed horses with nice character who are lightly built with good neck, enriched with a lot of energy and X-factor. The farm emphasizes clear gates with high movements and balance, knowledge of all gaits alongside a fun working spirit.

Horses for sale
We aspire to have a wide selection of horses for sale, from youngsters from an excellent family line to fully trained competition horses. Our ambition is that all the sold horses will be defined by their eagerness to work and that they’re comfortable to handle in various training stages.
Skoða nánar
Hjardartun’s riding school
The facilities at Hjardartun are very well equipped for all kinds of riding instruction. The big arena, a ring court outside and nearby riding tracks contribute to that. Three educated riding instructors work at the farm and can be contacted for lessons. They are equipped to handle everything from beginners to people entering competitions. Hjarðartún offers private and group sessions. Our instructors are also capable of providing remote lessons, domestic and abroad.
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